Friday, August 31, 2012

About Me and My Blog

I'm a work-at-home mom with an adorable son named Drew. My life is a bit...busy and messy, like this photo. I'm definitely not a model homemaker--there are so many things I would rather do than cook or clean, and thankfully I have a very laid-back husband who doesn't mind having Totinos for dinner multiple times a week!

In addition to working and taking care of Drew, I have some hobbies--or, at least, memories and dreams of hobbies that I hope to keep alive through this blog!

I looooooooove reading, though these days I usually only have time to listen to audio books while driving or doing dishes. (I am so grateful for the Greater Phoenix Digital Library and my iPod!)

Before Drewbie came along, I was very involved with the Phoenix Irish community, first as a fiddle student, then as an Irish dancer. After becoming the 2005 Arizona Colleen and winning a trip to Ireland, I spent four years on the Colleen committee, and also taught Irish dance at the Irish Cultural Center. My adventures as an Irish dancer inspired my self-published book The Ghillie Girls: Irish Dance Pals. And I still enjoy going to an occasional ceili at the Irish Cultural Center!

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